Financial Assistance
Discounts Available for All Services
We offer a sliding scale discount to patients living at or below twice the Federal Poverty Level. Program eligibility is based on your household income and family size.
No insurance? No problem. Discounts may vary, but are available for all services and all healthcare patients are encouraged to apply.
Payment Plans
Payment plans are available to all patients, with or without insurance. Details of payment plans depend on your balance owed and circumstances. We will work with you to find an amount that fits your budget.
Call our billing customer service number to set up a flexible payment plan today.
OHP Re-Enrollment
Since the PHE ended, some coverages will be phased out. We can help you stay connected to coverage.
Need help updating your OHP application or renewing your OHP coverage? Call our Membership & Engagement Services team.
Calculate Your Eligibility
Who do I include in my family size?
NHC defines a family as a group of two or more people living together who are financially supporting one another.
Do not include any family members who do not live with you or family members who are financially independent.
- Count up the members of your family. Write that number down.
How do I calculate my monthly income?
NHC defines income as an individual’s Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). AGI is your annual income (wages, salaries, tips, etc.) minus standard deductions.
If you have a Form 1040 from last year’s tax returns, use the number listed on the bottom of the first page (11b: Taxable Income). If you have no documentation to reference, use the following formula to estimate your monthly income:
- (Hourly Wage x Hours Worked Per Week) x 4 = Monthly Income
Do this for each member of your family who earns a taxable income. If you have any family members earning non-taxable income (i.e. cash), list their income as zero. Children and other family members, who do not work? List their income as zero.
- Add up the monthly incomes for all family members. Write that number down.
What will my discount be?
Below is a table displaying the 2025 Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) for monthly income.
- Remember, only patients reporting a family income at or below 200% of poverty will qualify for discounted services.
- If you are accessing Reproductive Health Services at NHC, view the separate sliding fee discount schedule in English or in Spanish. Per requirements of the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Reproductive Health Services are discounted for patients reporting a family income at or below 250% of poverty.

Columns A through D are eligible for discounted services. Column E must pay in full for charges and will not receive a discount. If you fall under Column E, you are not eligible to participate in the program.
Here are two examples to help you determine where you land on the discount schedule.
- Susan is a single mother of two young children. Susan also cares for her mother, who lives with her and her children. Susan’s family size is 4. Susan is the only person in her family earning income. Susan earns $2,700 per month in income. Susan belongs to Discount Category B.
- Jose is married to his wife Miranda. They have three young children who live with them. Jose earns $2,800 per month at his job. Jose’s wife earns $2,700 per month. Together, the couple earns $5,500 per month in income. Jose’s family size is 5. Jose belongs to Discount Category D.
- Using the schedule, determine what discount category you belong to (A-D).
What am I responsible to pay?
Once you figure out what Discount Class you belong to (A-D) discounts vary depending on the service you are using at the time of your appointment. Services are broken into service categories and include five categories: medical, reproductive health, dental, behavioral health, and pharmacy services.
- With your Discount Category (A-D) in mind, use the chart to determine what your payment will be for your next visit. Here are four examples to help you determine charges.
- I belong to Discount Class B. I came in today for a medical visit with my Doctor. I am responsible to pay $35 for my visit. The remainder of my charges will be adjusted by NHC so that $35 is my only responsibility.
- I belong to Discount Class C. I came in today for a dental exam and cleaning. The total of these charges was $300. I am responsible to pay 60% of these charges. The remainder of my charges will be adjusted by NHC so that $180 is my only responsibility ($180 = 60% of $300 charges).
- I belong to Discount Class D. I came in today for an appointment to discuss my diabetes with a behavioral health consultant. I am responsible to pay $20 for my visit. The remainder of my charges will be adjusted by NHC so that $5 is my only responsibility.
- I belong to Discount Class A. I would like to speak with my Doctor about different kinds of birth control. This service is free of charge so I owe nothing for this visit.
How long does my discount last?
You will receive discounted services for 12 full months following approval of your application. A month prior to expiration, NHC will ask you to fill out a new application and provide documentation proving your income. Eligibility will be assessed using the most current Federal Poverty Guidelines.
If your income or family size changes during your 12 months of discounted services, you are responsible to notify NHC and submit a new application. Note: This may result in a greater discount if you’ve added a family member or your household income has decreased.
Required Documentation
Proof of income documentation is required to process your application. For each member of your family reporting a taxable source of income, attach at least one of the following documents to your application:
- Two weeks of most recent pay stubs
- Check stubs from Unemployment Insurance
- Previous year W-2
- Previous year completed tax return
- Government-issued documentation for other non-wage income such as Social Security, Worker’s Comp, Cash Assistance, Child Support, Alimony, Veteran’s Benefits, Retirement, or Pension
- Previous three months of bank statements
- Letter from employer
- If self-employed: prior-year tax return or most recent three months of bank statements.
Note: You can still fill out the application without proof of income. NHC will allow you 30 days to return proof. However, no discount will be applied to your account until proof of income documentation is received and your discount is verified.
If you are reporting zero family income, please indicate why. For example, a patient may be working seasonally for an employer that only pays cash, may be experiencing houselessness, or may have been recently let go from their job.